If you want a website, you need a place to host it. There are many cheap hosting companies out there, I have used most of them myself at one point or another and after years of building websites, one of the many things I’ve learned is that you get what you pay for.
Important things to look for in a host are great support, fast and reliable servers, specialised WordPress hosting, powerful management tools, comprehensive backup options and website security features included.
Lots of the cheaper hosting companies offer these features at an extra cost and very quickly you find you have spent more than you would if you had just used a quality company from the start. For these reasons I highly recommend SiteGround as your host. Perhaps even more telling than my recommendation is the fact that SiteGround is one of the very few hosting companies that is recommended by WordPress it’s self. It is the company I personally use and they have some fantastic offers for new customers that are well worth a look.
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